

Dropbox, Inc.
Android OS
Varies by device

Currently, we can store a lot of information on our devices and other apps can also occupy a lot of space. But, what if you have a cloud service where you can put all your files and other things so it doesn’t take space on your phone? Well, if you download Dropbox you will have exactly that system and you can have access to all the features for free. Once you get this app you will see how easy is to keep safe your files.

Dropbox is a popular platform that has years in the market. A lot of people use it because they love how simple and safe it is. With this app you can take all your important files everywhere you go and in different devices, so you can have access to them no matter where you are. It is a very Nowadays, cloud storage services have become essential in both personal and professional environments. In this context, Dropbox comes in. Since 2008, this platform offers users around the world the ability to store, share and collaborate on their files, in a simple, efficient and secure way. From its intuitive and user-friendly interface to its key features that impact people's productivity, Dropbox continues to be a popular choice for individuals, professionals and businesses.

How to get the most out of Dropbox

This cloud storage platform can be much more than just a place to store your files. To optimize the use of the application, you can organize files by creating folders and subfolders to keep everything structured and easy to find. This way, whether you want to share folders or individual files, it will be much easier and faster to invite the people you need to access your documents. 

Speaking of documents, you will be able to integrate Dropbox with other tools you may use on a daily basis, such as Microsoft, Adobe, Google and much more.

Essential features of the application

Dropbox is one of the most popular and widely used cloud storage platforms, and not for nothing, as it offers multiple features that make it an excellent choice for synchronizing and saving files. Some of these features include:

  • Access to files from any device: you can access all your files from your computer, your smartphone or tablet, making it easy to work from anywhere.
  • Automatic synchronization and backup: with Dropbox all your files will be automatically synchronized between your different devices, in addition to being able to create backup copies of documents on your devices to be saved in the cloud.
  • Easy collaboration: files shared among several people can be edited simultaneously and the changes can be seen in real time. This means that file versions are always up to date and the work process is simplified.
  • Secure storage: all data is protected by encryption and backed up on secure servers, minimizing unauthorized access or risk of document loss.
  • Free storage space: when it comes to having a personal account, the free plan can be a good option as we will not require so much space in the cloud.

For whom are the different payment plans

Dropbox offers different subscription alternatives to suit the needs and requirements of users and work teams, so there is a solution for every budget and requirement. Each plan increases the amount of storage it offers as the price increases, and subscriptions can be made from its official website.

  • Plan for personal use: if you require more storage, you can purchase the premium plan, which also allows you to transfer larger files and the possibility of restoring deleted files within 30 days.
  • Plan for professionals: this plan is useful because you have many more features such as tracking file interaction, editing PDFs and videos, as well as increasing your storage and file restoration time.
  • Plan for teams: this plan allows you to add more users to the subscription, and you can set up administrators and know what content is shared.
  • Business plan: this subscription plan is especially useful as you can set up tiered management features, track compliance and have the ability to restore deleted files within 1 year, making this an excellent choice for businesses.

Is Dropbox useful compared to other alternatives?

Dropbox service stands out as a tool due to its simplicity and effectiveness, its intuitive interface, its functionalities and also for its security measures. However, an important detail is that the free version of it offers very little storage space compared to other free alternatives. Therefore, Dropbox's full functionality will always be more useful on larger teams, where it is necessary to pay for some of the plans.



  • You can access your Dropbox account anywhere, as long as you have access to the Internet.
  • It is a secure platform, as it has end-to-end encryption.
  • You can integrate Dropbox into a lot of different tools.
  • The free version is very limited.
  • The file’s size to be uploaded is limited.
  • When uploading large files, synchronization can take a long time.


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Frequently asked questions

Can I access my dropbox files offline?

Yes, you can select the files or folders you need to access them offline.

Can I recover deleted files?

Yes, you can access them as long as the time limit has not been exceeded.

Will my files be kept if I delete my account?

No, Dropbox will delete the files after 30 days.


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