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Top real estate agents in Phoenix, AZ

We analyze millions of home sales to find the best performing REALTORS® & REALTORS®.

Only the top REALTORS®

We analyze over 27 million transactions and thousands of reviews to determine which REALTOR® is best for you based on your needs.

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Our service is 100% free, with no catch. REALTORS® don’t pay us to be listed, so you get the best match.

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It takes just two minutes to match you with the best REALTORS®, who will contact you and guide you through the process.

Top Phoenix, AZ REALTORS®

Experience pays off, and Phoenix’s top 3% of agents have it in spades: They do 510 deals a year, compared to the average agent who does 110 deals annually. Top agents also save their clients an average of 28.62 days on closing. Let’s run the numbers and see how much money you could save with a top Phoenix agent.

"I registered with HomeLight and in less than 24 hours I had 2 real estate agents contact me eager to help me with my home selling needs. It was easy, no surprises, and my home closed without a hitch"

Leslie C.

See how 30 of the top REALTORS® and REALTORS® in Phoenix stack up

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Top Phoenix REALTOR® stats at a glance

Phoenix, AZ may have 28,177 REALTORS®, but you’re looking for the cream of the crop. Homelight analyzes performance data from all of Phoenix’s active agents to find you those with the best objective results. The top 3% of Phoenix agents boast impressive numbers: They complete 78.4% more real estate transactions each year than the average agent, and sell homes 83.3% faster.

Top Seller's Agents

Top seller's agents in Phoenix sell 28.62 days faster than the average agent, make sellers 5.9% more on the sales, and move 1.8x more properties.

Sale Price / List Price (%)

Days on Market
Lower is better

Homes Sold / Yr

Top Buyer's Agents

Phoenix's top 3% of buyer's agents save their clients 56.6% more on their home purchases and transact 1.6x more in the same area when compared to average agents.

Condos Sold / Yr

Homes Purchased / Yr

Sale Price / List Price (%)
Lower is better

Ratings and reviews of top real estate agents in Phoenix, AZ

Top Agents
5.0 stars
Avg. Agents
4.5 stars

Top real estate agents in Phoenix score an average rating of 5.0 out of 5 stars, compared to the typical Phoenix agent who scores only 4.5 stars. We collect the latest ratings and reviews of top real estate agents in Phoenix and update them here to show you what their past clients have to say.

"HomeLight makes the work of selling your house an easy task. Within 2 days after listing, we had 2 offers and the house sold a couple of weeks later very close to our asking price. We had contacted other services, but HomeLight was by far the best. "

Larry B.

HomeLight Client

"The references provided by HomeLight were the only ones that followed through and returned calls. The home sold much quicker than we expected and we sold it more than what I thought we would get out of it. Great experience thanks to HomeLight."

Mike R.

HomeLight Client

"I was pleased with how quickly HomeLight was able to match me with real estate agents in the area. My husband and I are extremely pleased with our home-buying experience. Thanks to HomeLight, my husband and I found a beautiful, new home."

Abi J.

HomeLight Client

Find the best agent or REALTOR® for your favorite Phoenix neighborhood

Based on the available transaction data for homes bought and sold in Phoenix,top agents are frequently doing deals in Paradise Valley Village, Sundance, and Deer Valley.

Paradise Valley Village

Active Agents4,878
Time on Market110
Avg. Sale Price$192,743


Active Agents3,181
Time on Market93
Avg. Sale Price$146,263

Deer Valley

Active Agents4,145
Time on Market105
Avg. Sale Price$132,270

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a top REALTOR® do?
Top REALTORS® have more local expertise, prepare in-depth market analyses, and have industry connections that you can’t find by yourself. They know your neighborhood like the back of their hand and use their market knowledge to sell your home faster than the average agent and for money.
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What should you look for when interviewing a REALTOR® in Phoenix?
When you sell a house, your REALTOR® becomes your business partner, financial advisor, and emotional support system. It’s crucial to partner with someone you trust, so make sure you’re looking for an agent who can answer all of your questions with confidence during the interview. During this process, you want to get to know the agent’s business and find out how well they know the area. You’re listening for things that signal experience, expertise in your community, and workload. Selling a home takes an enormous amount of work, so you need an agent who’s got a plan for prep, pricing, and marketing and who is ready to roll up their sleeves to get the job done.
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How important is it to hire a top REALTOR® in Phoenix?
Our data shows that the top 5% of listing agents sell homes for as much as (+9%) more than the average REALTOR®. A great agent makes a difference when you buy a house, too: We’ve found that the top 5% of buyer's agents on average save their clients 2.5% more on their home purchase. So, whether you’re in the market to find your dream home or sell your house at a great price, the right agent matters. We encourage you to connect with a top REALTOR® if you’re buying or selling a home in Phoenix, AZ.
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When is the right time to hire a REALTOR® in Phoenix?
The best window to contact an agent to sell your home is anywhere from three to six months in advance of your list date. When you start the search for an agent several months before hitting the market, there’s plenty of time to find the best agent, make key renovations, and market your home effectively, all of which are essential steps in selling your home for a great price. You can also hire an agent based on the best time to sell in Phoenix to take advantage of seasonal and cyclical trends in the market. The right time to hire a REALTOR® depends on the temperature of the housing market. For example, the best time to sell in Phoenix is in May. And since it takes around 3 months to close on a home, you should list in February. We recommend that you hire a REALTOR® as soon as you're thinking of selling your home. Generally speaking, that's anywhere from 3 to 6 months prior to your desired move date.
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What is the average REALTOR® commission for agents in Phoenix?
While individual REALTOR® commissions do vary, most REALTORS® in Phoenix work for 6% of the home price.
Why should I use HomeLight to find a Phoenix REALTOR®?
HomeLight analyzes all REALTOR® in Phoenix to bring you custom, unbiased, data-driven recommendations. We use actual home sales transaction data to compare Phoenix REALTOR® and will only introduce you to the top performing agents. They do not pay to advertise on our site and we do not pay to list them. To give you the best object recommendations, we consider things like: how fast a REALTOR® sells, how many properties they work on, how much money they save or earn their clients, and what cities and neighborhoods they specialize in. You can trust that we’ll match you with the right agents for your needs.
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Check out some of our other resources for Phoenix homeowners

Homes for sale in Phoenix
Discover your perfect home in the neighborhood of your dreams.
Sell your house in Phoenix fast
Find out what cash buyers are willing to pay for your home right now.
When's the best time to sell your home in Phoenix?
Use housing market data in Phoenix to learn the best and worst months to sell your home.
Find out what your home is worth
Get a free estimated value of your home in less than 2 minutes.
Real estate commission in Phoenix
Use this calculator and real estate agent commissions data to find out.
Advice from America’s Top Agents
Get the latest real estate tips and learn how to sell your home faster and for more money.

Find your perfect REALTOR® in Phoenix, AZ