
Writing your book doesn't Have to be overwhelming. confusing. expensive. exhausting.

Forget Writer’s Block! Get the First Draft of Your Non-Fiction Book Done in Minutes Using This Powerful A.I. Writing Tool.

On Air Today June 10, 2024


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Meet Your Hosts

Picture of Josiah Grimes

Josiah Grimes

An Arizona-based entrepreneur, investor and the CEO of, a software company focused on freeing the author in everyone.

Picture of Brandon Garland

Brandon Garland

A serial entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in building & scaling online businesses from the ground up.

It isn't just about writing; it's about unleashing the power of AI to bring your stories to life effortlessly...

  • Unlock the Secret of Instant Book Creation: Discover the magic of AI-powered manuscript generation!
  • Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy: Create captivating sales content simultaneously with your book!
  • Elevate Your Professional Credibility: Use your book as a stepping stone to get more clients, speaking gigs, collaborations, and more!

Learn for free today with our live and on air events, attend live at no cost to you!

What You Can Expect From Attending:

  • The “BIG Idea” for your dream book lives in your head, but you just can’t seem to get past the blinking cursor to make it a reality.
  • Maybe you’ve attempted writing your book, but can’t find the time, or clue on how to finish it.
  • You feel left behind seeing your competition launch their book funnels, while you’re still putting the pieces together.
  • You’re getting some leads, but can’t seem to get them to pay you what you’re truly worth.
  • How to structure and organize your content that speaks directly to your audience, and gives them the insights they need to benefit from.
  • How to design your tone and style that sounds natural, and one that speaks the language of your readers.
  • Access the proven prompts to create a compelling titles that will get your audience to buy!
  • Unlock the credibility your businesses is lacking to instantly transform how clients, competitors, and partners perceive you.
  • Attract higher-quality leaders and turn them into loyal customers who are willing to pay you your worth!
  • How to publish a 10-chapter, 35,000-word book in minutes using artificial intelligence, while avoiding writer’s block and paying the insane 5-figure ghostwriting fees

📹 Format: Video

📼 Length: 34 Minutes

👨‍🏫 Interactivity: Direct Q&A Access

Learn for free today with our live and on air events, attend live at no cost to you!

Register Today For Free.


Workshop Highlights

  • Discover how writing a book can unlock powerful collaborations and launch you to expert status in your industry.
  • Learn the secrets to mastering the art of writing to clearly communicate your expertise and leave a lasting educational impact.
  • Uncover cost-effective alternatives to traditional publishing with cutting-edge AI software—say goodbye to hefty ghostwriting fees!
  • Dive into the foundational strategy of defining your book's core problem and audience to create compelling content that resonates and sells.
  • Explore how each chapter can come to life with reader-centric storytelling that deepens engagement and amplifies your message.
  • Gain insider knowledge on how to collaborate seamlessly with your team on the editing process, thanks to integration with familiar tools like Google Docs.
  • Get a sneak peek at automated marketing tools that generate everything from Amazon sales pages to targeted advertisements, tailored to your book’s niche.
  • Step into the editor's shoes with the ability to adjust and refine the AI’s creation, shaping your book’s narrative to perfectly capture your unique voice.

Meet Sean Vosler

Founder: & Increase Academy
Author: 7 Figure Marketing Copy
Skills: #authorship, #copywriting, #generativeai, #artificialintelligence, #marketingandadvertising


Sean knows a thing or two about the struggle of translating one’s expertise into a coherent, captivating book. Through his journey to write his bestselling book, “7 Figure Marketing Copy,” he has come a long way on the journey of transforming bare ideas into powerful narratives.

Now he’s on a quest to help others capture their big ideas and profound experiences, shaping them into a narrative that echoes across the pages. Sean’s journey has taken him to the intersection of Generative AI and human creativity, a technology with a titillating promise, that everyone can become the author of their own story, even if writing and structure isn’t their forté.

If you’ve ever dreamt of writing a book but felt daunted by the journey, Sean is your guide to a world where your voice can be amplified and your story can finally take flight.

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